Tähtitieteellinen yhdistys Ursa


In English

Meteor Section is one of the oldest sections in the Ursa Astronomical Association. Meteor Section was officially founded in 1976.

It's main function is to act as part of the international meteor observing network and to popularise Meteor Astronomy.

The observing time is mainly concentrated around the major meteor showers. Majority of observing is done in August during Perseids, mostly because of quite warm nights and clear weather. Other projects may be arranged on difficult-to-observe and uncertain meteor streams and predicted increased meteor activity periods.

RSS Zeniitti

RSS Taivaanvahti

  • Aurinkokunta Meteorikuva III 3.3.2025 klo 21.14; Vaasa; Timo Alanko 2
  • Aurinkokunta Meteorikuva II 1.2.2025 klo 19.18; Ulvila; Vesa Puistovaara
  • Aurinkokunta Meteorikuva 18.1.2025 klo 0.00; Jyväskylä; Petri Tikkanen
  • Aurinkokunta Kvadrantidit IV 11.1.2025 klo 7.41; Kokkola; Pentti Ketola

RSS Avaruus.fi-foorumi