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Kirjoittajan mukaan: Cornell Sullivan (lakeuden.ursa_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Päiväyksen mukaan: 22.10.2010

Looking for a job? My name is Juliette Barnes, I am a recruiting manager of NetTemps Inc, a recruiting agency for direct-hire, contract, and freelance professionals within various professions.               
Today I would like introduce some part-time and virtual office vacancies in the spheres of Advertising, Education, Engineering, Finance, Health care, Information technology, Media, Real estate and Transportation.       
If you are interested to learn more about the jobs offered, please get back to me, providing your name and contact number.               
We are eager to help you find a better job and improve your career!               
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me on:                   
e u r o p e @ n t t e m p s . n e t      [please delete spaces in the email address before sending it to us]   
Yours sincerely,             
Juliette Barnes   
NetTemps Inc          