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From: J Marko Pekkola (marko.pekkola_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 11/15/1997

Dear Les & collegues,

> A recent proposal to explain the stable presence of liquid water on
ancient Mars is >the presence of clouds comprised of solid carbon dioxide crystals that are good >infra-red reflectors and so lead to suitable temperatures at the surface.
> What are the likely crystal forms of CO2? Have any calculations of halo
>phenomena been made for atmospheres of such clouds (or other crystals

>those of water ice for that mattter)?

As an answer to the latter interesting question: The following literature has appeared on "extra-terrestrial" halos:

  1. OŽLeary B.T. / Astrophys. J. / "The presence of ice in the Venus atmosphere as inferred from a halo effect." Vol. 146 (1966), pp. 754-766.
  2. Können G.P. and Tinbergen J. / Gemini/ "Venus, meteorology and the Jacobus Kapteyn telescope" Vol. 22 (1988) December, pp. 12-13.
  3. OŽLeary B.T. / Icarus / "Venus halo: polarimetric evidence for ice in the Venus clouds." Vol 13 (1970), pp. 292-298.
  4. Veverka J. / Icarus / "A polarimetric search for a Venus halo during the 1969 inferior conjunction" Vol. 14 (1971), pp. 282-283.
  5. Können et al. / Icarus / "Polarimetric search for ice crystals in the upper atmosphere of Venus" Vol. 102 (1993), pp. 62-75.
  6. Weinheimer A.J. and Knight C.A. / J. Atmos. Sci / "ScheinerŽs halo: cubic ice or polycrystalline hexagonal ice." Vol. 44 (1987), pp. 3304-3308.
  7. Whalley E.G. and Laurin G.E. / J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. / "Refraction halos in the solar system: I. Halos from cubic ice crystals that may occur in atmospheres in the solar system." Vol. 12 (1984), pp. 1166-1170.
  8. Hansen J.E. and Travis L.D. / Space Sci. Rev. / "Light Scattering in Planetary atmospheres." Vol. 16 (1974), pp. 527-610.

This was a result of 1/2 hour search through my files. If anybody knows any
other articles dealing with halos in the solar system (or outside Earth...)
then please share your literature gem in meteoptics!

I did have a few papers by Soviet cosmonauts about halos in EarthŽs clouds as seen from space station and a lot of others about hypothetical halos in polar stratospheric clouds / noctilucent clouds, but I skipped these as stuff belonging to Earth.

Regards, Marko
PS. Special halo hunt wishes to South Pole if Walt has rerouted his e-mails
Scott-Amundsen Station.