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From: PVTMAKELA_at_hidden_email_address.net
Date: 06/30/1995

> 1) You state that the contrail was under the cirrus layer, and
> that this was somehow obvious from the "structure". Can you
> elaborate on this? From your description of the shadow it sure
> sounds like the contrail was above the cirrus. On the other hand,
> the explanation may be the same as for 2) below...

     In my opinion, sometimes the altitude order of two layers,
     in this case contrail and thin cirrostratus layer, could
     be difficult to  recognize.

     Few days ago, right after Bill's message I check the sky.
     In the Helsinki area there are lots of contrails.  One of
     these seems to be below cloud layer at the first look, but
     more careful study it proved to be above the clouds.  The
     cloud layer was quite thin and transparent.  I think one
     reason could be that contrails and denser and they scatter
     light more than thin cs clouds.  So they are brighter than
     clouds and seem to be closer.

     Well this is only one speculation.  Of course the geometry
     between screening object (eg. contrail) and the screen
     (clouds) should think carefully.  It is very difficult to
     observe correctly from far.
