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From: Marko Riikonen (Marko.Riikonen_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 06/30/1995

In addition to the "possible to see" subhorizon halos I would add at least six phenomenon. Sub-  arcs appear certainly. Also sub-circumhori- zontal arc should be observable. Indeed it is easier to see than sub-circumzenithal arc (circumnadir  arc) since it appears relatively close to the horizon. However, sun has to be higher than 58 deg above the horizon for this phenomenon. And one should not forget to look for the sub-anthelion that arises from randomly oriented crystals.

Then we have sub-halos that arise from plate pyramidal  crystals. 18, 20 and 35 degree plate pyramidal arcs will be photographed one day - maybe some other forms too.

There are also some other subhalos which may exist but are mybe not so easy than the above mentioned. just to give two: sub-Kern arc and the Kern of the sub-circumhorizontal arc.