Lowitz arcs were first observed by Tobias Lowitz in 1790. Ever since, these arcs have been observed by numerous observers ( 1 ). These particular arcs were photographed on February 19 in Finland.
Lowitz arcs were first observed by Tobias Lowitz in 1790. Ever since, these arcs have been observed by numerous observers ( 1 ). These particular arcs were photographed on February 19 in Finland.
I await any additions and critiques. Thank you.
It is also possible that some other observers have seen this display but I do not know of them yet.
Nice one jari. I got a display back in 2004 that very clearly showed all three arcs. I got a couple of displays that show the arcs very clearly
Very nice middle Lowitz arc. I managed to photograph upper and lower Lowitz arcs in 29th May ’08.
enhanced usm version
Excellent stuff Marko.
Michael, do you have those images online?
No Jari I do not have them online but I can send them to you if you like. This past thursday I got elliptical halo and fairly decent odd radius with 9,18,20,23, and 35d halos with upper 23d arc.
Michael that sounds really interesting! Did the elliptical halo and the pyramidal stuff occur in succession or was there a gap? That display is surely worth a post here.
Well the elliptical halo came first and then a half hour later the odd radius took form.
I want to post but I don’t know how to get the photos to show in my post. I know how to upload but do not know how to put the photos in the post. This is why I have Agnes do it for me this is somewhat rocket science to me.
That must have been super fascinating! Were the halos clearly in different types of cloud, i.e. the ellipse in Ac virga and the halos of odd radii in high clouds?
Yours is not the first comment that I have heard about the difficult admin user interface of this blog. It’s a pity. Blogging should be FUN among other things.
Yes the elliptical was in AC that were crystalizing and the odd radii were in cirrostratus