SIRIUS: The Astronomical Association Sirius ry

Suomenkielisille sivulle. To the Finnish pages.

Welcome to the homepage of Sirius ry (updated 19.9.2002)
  • Messier-Marathon: 82 targets overnight !!
  • GRB observations at Nyrola Observatory
  • Exoplanet transit detected at Nyrölä Observatory!
  • Image of the week (In Finnish only)
  • Nyrölä Observatory
  • Sirius Hale-Bopp pages
  • Sirius Supernovae pages


    Jyväskylän Sirius is an astronomical association located in Jyväskylä, the capital of Central-Finland. Sirius organizes many activities for its 200 members; from deep sky observing to telescope making. It was founded in 1959 and it has it's own observatory in Jyväskylä and Nyrölä.

    Sirius is the fourth biggest astronomical association in Finland, the largest is Ursa that is located in Helsinki. Purpose of Sirius is to make astronomy better known within local people and work as common forum between amateur astronomers in Jyväskylä area.

    Monthly meetings

    The monthly general meetings are held on the second thursday of every month. Meetings bring members together and there is usually a lecture, a slide show or a video program. Meetings take place at Sepänaukio center at 19.00.

    Rihlaperä Observatory

    Sirius has it's own observatory in Rihlaperä, two kilometers from the downtown area. There is powerfull and modern equipment for observing the sky. The use of observatory is free for all the members. (map)

    The Main telescope is a 150/2063mm refractor made by a famous Finnish astronomer Yrjö Vaisala. Observatory is computerized by selfmade telescope control system and a ccd-imaging computer.

    Public star shows are held during the winter time from beginning of November to the end of March.

    The observatory is open

    • on Wednesdays 20-21
    • and on Sundays 19-21
    but only if the sky is clear.

    Nyrölä Observatory

    Our new countrysite observatory in Nyrölä was completed during spring 1999. The new 16 inch Meade LX200 telescope and good sky conditions expanded our possibility´s to observe very faint objects with a great accuraty.

    More information you´ll found at Nyrola Observatory´s home page.

    Valkoinen kääpiö - the White Dwarf

    Valkoinen kääpiö, the quarterly newsletter has been published since 1984. Each issue has articles about local happenings and information about what goes on on the sky. It is mailed to every member and other astronomical associations in Finland.

    Observing group

    An active observing group of about 10 members makes observations of virtually everything on the sky (except birds). The night time targets are deep sky objects such as star clusters, nebulae and galaxies but the planets and the Moon are important too. Auroras are observed when they are visible on the sky ('Too often', say the deep sea observers). Solar observations are important especially on the summer as well as atmospheric phenomenons such as halos.

    Most observations are done by drawing, but also astrophotography and ccd-imaging are done at the observatory.


    Other activities

    • Telescope building club every Tuesday from 18 to 21 o'clock
    • Observation trips
    • Education

    Upcoming events

    • Available as soon as something comes up :)

    Address etc.

    Jyväskylän Sirius ry
    Kyllikinkatu 1
    FIN-40100 Jyväskylä
    Phone number: +358 - 14 - 218 210


    The President: Arto Oksanen

    His address:
    Verkkoniementie 30, 40950 Muurame
    phone: +358 - 14 - 373 1250 (home), GSM: +358 - 40 - 565 9438

    Some interesting links

  • Center of backyard astrophysics
  • LunarSat european space mission
  • A link to the Space Shuttle
  • Finnish Amateur Astronomers Homepage
  • The latest images from Hubble
  • The Solar system
  • These pages are maintained by Petri Tikkanen. Mail some comments to him.

    To the Finnish pages.