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From: Jun Lao (antares_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 10/27/1996

Today has been a wonderful day in terms of atmospheric optics. We are in the middle
of an InterTropical Convergence Zone the past few days, with a lot of "disturbed"
clouds. Several cloud types have been with us the past few days, and they have
dumped some rainfall during the afternoons and early evening, but nothing quite so
dramatic in terms of halo displays or atmospheric optics.

This morning, though, there was a half rainbow (right half only) at about 7 a.m.
The clouds took over after that, and there were nimbus clouds covering a great portion
of the sky. There was a short segment when the sun could be faintly seen against a
wide swath of white clouds. A short arc from a normal halo was present for
a short
while (a few minutes), but nothing spectacular.

Intermittent rains were the order of the rest of the day, including early evening.
At about 11 p.m., I looked outside, and lo and behold, a large lunar halo could be
seen around the waning (but almost full) moon. The large halo was white with a
tinge of red in the inner ring, and dark inside. The halo and the dark inner
portion were fabulous, what with several patchy white clouds also in the area.
The moon could be only faintly seen, as the whole halo and the moon were inside
a large patch of hazy clouds. The halo is not as colorful or intense as the
1996 event that Marko saw a while back, yet a full lunar halo is not something you
can get to see often, although it has been twice this year that I've seen it.

The halo is being disrupted now as a band of cumulus clouds are passing by and there
is already a break in the cloud cover, what with Orion and Canis Major already
showing up in the cloud break.

Sometimes the sky really opens up for a show!

Jun Lao <antares_at_pworld.net.ph>
Philippine Astronomical Society

     Manila 14.5N 121E