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From: Marko Riikonen (Marko.Riikonen_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 10/20/1996

I've been following the debate on the elliptical halos and Bottlinger rings,
and feel that I should have to make some comments on the subject too.

I was co-author with Traenkle in the paper of elliptical halos and Bottlinger
rings. The connection of Ac virga and elliptical halos was obtained from the
elliptical halo observations the network has made. The precence of altocumulus was mentioned in almost all of the observations we had that time.
Also the few photographed displays showed the connection to Ac.

True, there were some isolated reports of elliptical halos seen in connection
of Sc or industrial plant plume or high clouds. Now as we have much more photoes on elliptical halos, Marko Pekkola points out that in addition to Ac
virga they are also often formed in Cc virga. Ac and Cc clouds are somewhat
similar looking clouds and for a person who is not trained in identifying the
cloud types they can be easily mixed together. So it is possible that also in
earlier reports elliptical halos the Cc could have been misidentified as Ac.

About the display of 14.2.88. In the report of Hakumaki Altocumulus is mentioned to have occured at the time the ellipse was observed. The altocumulus also showed a hint of iridescence - a very typical feature in many
elliptical halo observations. So I think that the chance that Ac virgaproduced
this display can't be totally excluded.

One comment on the nucleation and growing time of ice crystals. Last January
in Fairbanks, Alaska, we (Walt Tape, Marko Pekkola, Jarmo Moilanen and I) observed several halodisplays caused by huge power plant plumes. One halodisplay showed up just few hundreds meters from the plant and we were right below the plume from where the crystals fell down. The ice crystals must
have nucleated and grown quite rapidly.

Even though I've been a co-author in paper that assumes the elliptical halos
formed by multiple scattering, I don't trust that theory anymore. The new photographs from Piikki show clear coloring in elliptical halos, which multiple scattering can not explain.

Marko Riikonen