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From: =^.^= (bparks_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 07/10/1996

At 10:45 PM 7/8/96 +0200, VeikkoM wrote:
> I looked your WWW page about cloudbows. Very nice, indeed.
> I also includes it into the METEOPTIC home page link list
> (http://www.funet.fi/pub/astro/html/eng/obs/meteoptic/).

Thank you, Veikko! On both counts--for the compliment and for adding me to
the Meteoptic links!

> One question: How you can call one bow as cloudbow and another
> as fogbow. You are talking in your page that cloudbows are
> pure white, but fogbows could some colours. Bob Greenler
> mentioned in his book "Rainbows, Halos and Glories" that
> white rainbows are called often cloudbows _or_ fogbows.

The subtle difference between cloudbow and fogbow is the size of the water droplets. Technically, you and Mr. Greenler are correct because a fogbow actually has the smaller water droplets, therefore less color. I see that I
will have to correct the description on my home page!

My original source of information about cloudbows and fogbows was "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Weather". In it, cloudbow and
fogbow are described as being two words for the same thing. Another source I
<at URL http://spot.colorado.edu/~sps/pasttriv/answer6.htm> is where I learned about the size of the water droplets. Upon re-reading it,
it does appear that I reversed the information about cloudbows and fogbows.
It may have been unconsciously intentional because I like the sound of the name "cloudbow" better than "fogbow"!

> Well if see a bow on clouds from airplane, I surely call it
> as cloudbow.. but if there is fog on gorund level I will
> call it surely fogbows. But tell me, what I have been, when
> I observed in last March bows at 2000 m altitude in La Palma.
> In First case there were clouds below me in Caldera (a wide
> volcanic crater or valley) and I saw white bow there and also
> small glory around my shadows. I guess those clouds were
> few kilometers away from my place. In the second case there
> came cloud from see and there climbed up the mountain. Few
> hundred meters from me I saw well defined (much sharper than
> in the first case) bright white, red/blue-edged bow. Should
> we call these cloudbows?

Sounds just BEAUTIFUL! Yes, I would think that the second sighting, with the colors around the edges of the bright white, would be called a cloudbow.

> I got some nice photos, which I could perhaps put into WWW.

I'd love to see them!! Let me know if you put them on the Web.

Bev =^.^= bparks_at_primenet.com
(Revised 7/6/96--Pet links activated, plus new Arizona link)