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The past few days have been dreary ones, atmospheric optical
as the clouds are all dreary and disordered. Tonight, however, the sky
is relatively clearer but contains a fair amount of haze, and guess what,
a full 22-degree halo around the gibbous moon. The halo is pretty nondescript.
Doubt that an ordinary person would pay it any heed since it
is white and doesn't command much attention.
This is unlike the intense lunar halo that Marko mentioned earlier that
was reported in the news. That halo was visible after sunset and
the moon for hours. At the time, the air was relatively stable and the
haze in the sky also so. The nearly full moon and the haze helped to make
a very vivid lunar halo that showed coloration, compared to the usual
bland white halo. That display really caught the attention of people
and the news media, and the crackpots, too, as they said that was the
signal of the ETs to the people of the world of their arrival. What
hokey! I was able to photograph that event, and the intensity of the
halo coloration was apparent in the pictures too. Anyone know how
frequent colored lunar halos occur, and why they seem to happen much
less than the white halos?
< Jun Lao, Editor, the Appulse >
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