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From: Veikko M{kel{ (PVTMAKELA_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Date: 11/02/1995



  Some explanations:

    r = reliability (0=unsure, 1=quite reliable, 2=reliable)

  • This is a little subjective estimation of data handler
  • Reliability depends on number of observers, their experience, intensity of display and wheather conditions

    I = intensity (1-5, 1=faint, 5=remarkable bright)

  • This is the intensity of brightess structures in the display

    W = width (1-5, 1=small area, 5=all-sky display)

    S = structures (I=veil, II=bands, III=billows, IV=whirls,

        V=amorfous forms, special: k=knots, s=crossing streaks,

    NEG = negative report

    Observers: KAH = Jere Kahanpää     Helsinki
               MAK = Veikko Mäkelä     Helsinki/Evijärvi/Kirkkonummi
               PAR = Pekka Parviainen  Kustavi/Turku
               RAJ = Leo Rajala        Jämsä
               SIL = Markku Siljama    Mäntyharju


MAY 30/31.5. r=0; NEG (MAK)

JUNE Note! Nights are rather light in Finland in June.

16/17.6. r=1; I=4, W=3, S=I+II+III

   Quite a large display, massive structure in N, long extension    southwards.

18/19.6. r=1; I=3, W=1?, S=II+III

   Observed from moving car, but sure case. Probably quite a    small display.

20/21.6. r=1; I=1, W=2, S=I+II

   Small area, mainly veil. Light sky disturbed observation.

25/26.6. r=1; I=1, W=2, S=I+II+III

   Veil area low in N. In the beginning some billows and    band-like structures.

26/27.6. r=0; NEG (MAK)

JULY 2/3.7. r=0; NEG (SIL)
10/11.7. r=1; I=3, W=2, S=I+II+III

   Special observation from airplane above Atlantic Ocean. NLC    visible already before the sunset! Two areas of NLC.

11/12.7. r=2; NEG (RAJ,SIL)
13/14.7. r=2; I=3, W=3, S=I+II+III+IV+k+s

   Two quite a large area. Billows and whirls in NE, veil and    bands in W. Not very bright, but quite complex display.    Quite uniform reports from observers.

14/15.7. r=2; I=2, W=2, S=I+II+IV

   Faint separate areas. Bands in NE, one band in W. Later more    structure in eastern area. Quite uniform reports.

15/16.7. r=2; I=4, W=2, S=I+II+III

   Two areas again. Mainly veil with some bands in W, IIa type    bands in NE

16/17.7. r=2; I=4, W=4, S=I+II+III+IV+V+s+n

   Very complex display, all types, also lumpy amorfous V type.    Band+whirl complex in NE. Several area extensions southwards.    Get larger in the morning. Dynamic.

17/18.7. r=2; I=2, W=2, S=I+II+III+IV

   Small area. Mainly band and veil in N.

18/19.7. r=2; I=5, W=5, S=I+II+III+IV+V+k+s+n

   All sky display with all the structures. Also special    structures. Dynamic and complex.

19/20.7. r=2; I=2, W=2, S=I+II

   Small area with bands and veil in N-NE.

20/21.7. r=2; I=2, W=2, S=I+II

   Two small areas. IIa band in NE and veil+band area in NW.

23/24.7. r=2; I=4, W=3, S=I+II+III+IV+k+s+n

   Mainly band+billow type display, with whirls. Slightly    separated in two ares. Bands as dominating structures.    Streak crossing bands in eastern area. Uniform reports    from observer.

25/26.7. r=2; I=4, W=3, S=I+II+III+IV+V+s

   Bands dominating in N. Two or more separate areas. Intensity    mainly 3, but in the morning occasionally even 4. NLC    appeared after 0.45-1.00 local time.

26/27.7. r=2; I=4, W=3, S=I+II+III+IV+s+n

   Three-part area, billows and bands in W, net-like billows in    NE and strong band complex with crossing streaks in E.

27/28.7.  r=2; NEG  (MAK,PAR,SIL)
28/29.7.  r=2; NEG  (PAR,RAJ)
29/30.7.  r=2; I=4, W=4, S=I+II+III+IV+k+s

   Moderate or large are. IIa and IIb bands dominating. Moving    fast to SW. During night "a hole" without NLC appeared from    east, later new NLC.

30/31.7. r=1; NEG (PAR)
31.7./1.8.r=2; NEG (PAR,RAJ,SIL)

AUGUST 1/2.8. r=2; I=2, W=2, S=I+II+III+IV

   IIa bands and billows with veil.

2/3.8. r=1; NEG (PAR)
3/4.8. r=2; I=4, W=2, S=I+II+s

   Bands in N. Bright or moderate bright.

4/5.8. r=2; NEG (PAR,RAJ,SIL)
5/6.8. r=2; I=3, W=1, S=I+II+IV

   Bands and veil. Differencies in intesities from different    observing places.

6/7.8.    r=1; NEG  (SIL)
7/8.8.    r=0; NEG  (PAR)
8/9.8.    r=2; I=2, W=2, S=I+II

   Two part area. IIa and IIb bands in both areas. The western    area larger.

10/11.8. r=1; NEG (PAR,RAJ)
11/12.8. r=2; I=4, W=2, S=I+II+III+s

   Moderate band+billow type display.

12/13.8. r=1; I=2, W=1, S=I+II+n

   Separate NLC forms, one net-like structure.

13/14.8.  r=2; NEG  (PAR,RAJ,SIL)
14/15.8.  r=1; NEG  (RAJ)
15/16.8.  r=1; NEG  (SIL)