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Kirjoittajan mukaan: Veikko Makela (veikko.makela_at_hidden_email_address.net)
Päiväyksen mukaan: 23.07.2006

Cygnuksen ja Viron tähtiharrastaja tapaamisen jatkoksi on tarjolla myös latvialaisten järjestemä Baltic Astrofest. Ohessa infoa:

-----Original Message-----
From: aivis_at_aaf.lv
Sent: 23. heinäkuuta 2006 18:28
Subject: 2nd Baltic astrofest


The 2nd annual Baltic astrofest will be held in Koceni from 18.08 – 20.08.2006. This year the astrofest will be held within the framework of Koceni annual celebrity. This will enrich the number of attractions and people
who are interested in.

The target of the event is not only to call together the people connected with
astronomy and who are interested in, but to popularize and bring the astronomy
and connected activities to the public at large as well.

The astrofest will be a great untraditional rest for all your family!

Activities: Lectures, experiments and tricks of physics, astronomical observations with different telescopes all night long (also in day).

The mobile observatory (single in Europe at the moment) will take a part in 2nd Baltic astrofest. From here you will see the sun in different lights (solar prominences and flares) in day, but at night we will bring you millions
of light years away from home.


Ticket price is 2LVL (~3EUR) for all days. Children under 10 years – free.

Stay at:

Your tents (for free), school (4LVL (~6EUR) for all days) or nearest guest houses. Send e-mail for details.

Your own food, or local eating house. Send e-mail for details.

Contacts: info_at_aaf.lv, aivis_at_aaf.lv

Astronomy Development Foundation www.aaf.lv Mobile observatory www.astro-car.com

I send one picture from first Baltic astrofest in 2005.

Aivis Meijers
Astronomy development

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