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28.12.2011 webmaster@ursa.fi

Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

Armagh Planetarium

19 nimekettä (1-19).

Nro Tekijä Nimi Luokka
18D/104 Armagh Planetarium Avaruussukkula 18D Diasarjat
18D/435 Armagh Planetarium NEAR at EROS, slides of asteroid Eros including the first landing on an asteroid 18D Diasarjat
18D/419 Armagh Planetarium The Moon from Apollo to Galileo, 30 years of Exploration of Moon 18D Diasarjat
18D/418 Armagh Planetarium The Moon from Galileo to Apollo, History of Observations of Moon 18D Diasarjat
18D/404 Armagh Planetarium Tähtitieteellisiä ja meteorologisia ilmiöitä 18D Diasarjat
18D/395 Armagh Planetarium Through the Eyes of Hubble, Amazing images of the universe revealed by the Hubble telescope 18D Diasarjat
18D/394 Armagh Planetarium Through the Eyes of Hubble, Amazing images of the universe revealed by the Hubble telescope 18D Diasarjat
18D/393 Armagh Planetarium Pathfinder, Revisiting the Red Planet, Stunning images of Mars revealed by the Pathfinder Mission 18D Diasarjat
18D/392 Armagh Planetarium Pathfinder, Revisiting the Red Planet, Stunning images of Mars revealed by the Pathfinder Mission 18D Diasarjat
18D/383 Armagh Planetarium Galileo at Jupiter, Dynamic images from Galileo's Jupiter Encounter 18D Diasarjat
18D/380 Armagh Planetarium Venus Unveiled, stunning images revealing the true nature of Venus 18D Diasarjat
18D/379 Armagh Planetarium Saturn Revised, including the most recent Hubble images 18D Diasarjat
18D/196 Armagh Planetarium Shuttle, the First five Years 18D Diasarjat
18D/195 Armagh Planetarium Apollo, Man's First Steps on the Moon 18D Diasarjat
18D/180 Armagh Planetarium Halley, the Beautiful 18D Diasarjat
18D/164 Armagh Planetarium Voyager 2 Uranuksen luona 18D Diasarjat
18D/107 Armagh Planetarium Aktiivinen Aurinko 18D Diasarjat
18D/106 Armagh Planetarium Aktiivinen Aurinko 18D Diasarjat
18D/439 Armagh Planetarium Cassini at Jupiter, Cassini's stunning images of Jupiter 18D Diasarjat

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