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The Hubble Space Telescope

8 nimekettä (1-8).

Nro Tekijä Nimi Luokka
18D/270 Fraknoi Andrew - Hildreth Scott (toim.) The Hubble Space Telescope 18D Diasarjat
18D/421 Poush James (editor) The Hubble Space Telescope 1997-1998, Slide Set 7 18D Diasarjat
18D/320 Hildreth Scott The Hubble Space Telescope Repair Mission 18D Diasarjat
17/212 The Commonwealth Club of San Francisco The Hubble Space Telescope, a New Look Through Space and Time. A talk by Dr. Stephen P. Maran at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco on May 4, 1990 17 Ääninauhat, mm. kokousesitelmät
18D/302 Doughty Janet - Stephens Sally - Hildreth Scott The Hubble Space Telescope, Part 2 18D Diasarjat
18D/363 Hildreth Scott (editor) The Hubble Space Telescope, Set 5, What a View! 18D Diasarjat
18D/400 Hildreth Scott The Hubble Space Telescope, set 6 18D Diasarjat
18D/361 Hildreth Scott The Hubble Space Telescope: A Clear View 18D Diasarjat

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