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28.12.2011 webmaster@ursa.fi

Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

7 - Linnunrata, tähdet, galaksit, kvasaarit, kosmologia

263 nimekettä (1-20).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
7/119 Evans David S. (toim.) 11th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
7/70 Asimov Isaac A Choise of Catastrophes, the Disasters that Threaten our World
7/189 Afanasev V. L. (toim.) A conception of astrospectroscopy at the 6-m telescope. (16 venäjänkielistä artikkelia).
7/235 Hoyle Fred - Burbidge Geoffrey - Narlikar Jayant V. A Different Approach to Cosmology from a Static Universe through the Big Bang towards Reality
7/80 Rey H. A. A new Way to see the Stars
7/161 Dadhich N. - J. Krishna Rao - Narlikar J. V. - Vishveshwara C. V. (toim.) A Random Walk in Relativity and Cosmology
7/212 Silk Joseph A Short History of the Universe
7/202 Malin David A View of the Universe
7/216 Malin David A View of the Universe
7/69 Lawton A. T. A Window in the Sky, Astronomy from beyond the Earth's Atmosphere
7/213 Chown Marcus Afterglow of Creation, from the Fireball to the Discovery of Cosmic Ripples
7/85 Goldberg Leo (toim.) Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
7/152 Moore Patrick Astronomers' Stars
7/204 Kühn Rudolf Astronomie populär, Eine Einführung in die Himmelskunde
7/159 Hoyle Fred Astronomy and Cosmology, a modern course
7/131 Hoyle Fred Astronomy and Cosmology, a modern course
7/67 Johnson Martin Astronomy of Stellar Energy and Decay
7/179 Roy Archie Edmiston - Clarke David Astronomy: Structure of the Universe, 3. painos
7/205 Adler Irving Atomkärnan
7/10 Goldberg Leo - Aller Lawrence H. Atoms, Stars and Nebulae

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