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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

6 - Muut planeetat, meteorit, pyrstötähdet, aurinkokunnan pienkappaleet

185 nimekettä (1-20).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
6/153 Hartmann William K. A Traveler's Guide to Mars, The Mysterious Landscapes of the Red Planet
6/165 Foglia Sergio Asteroidi. Parte I: Asteroidi, Parte II:Le Osservazioni, Appendici
6/58 Gehrels Tom (toim.) Asteroids
6/178 Dymock Roger Asteroids and Dwarf Planets and How to Observe Them
6/113 Binzel Richard P. - Gehrels Tom - Matthews Mildred Shapley (toim.) Asteroids II
6/133 Kowal Charles T. Asteroids, Their Nature and Utilization, Second edition
6/187 Stoyan Ronald Atlas der Grossen Kometen. Die 30 größten Kometen in Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kultur.
6/54 Batson R. M. - Bridges P. M. - Inge J. L. (toim.) Atlas of Mars, the 1:5,000,000 Map Series
6/180 Batson R. M. - Bridges P. M. - Inge J. L. Atlas of Mars. The 1:5,000,000 Map Series
6/53 Davies Merton E. - Dwornik Stephen E., et al (toim.) Atlas of Mercury
6/121 Hunt Garry E. - Moore Patrick Atlas of Neptune
6/96 Sagan Carl - Druyan Ann Comet (Part one: The Nature of Comets, Part two: Origins and Fates of the Comets, Part three: Comets and the Future)
6/27 Gary Gilmer Allen (toim.) Comet Kohoutek, a workshop held at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, June 13-14, 1974
6/131 Schaaf Fred Comet of the Century, From Halley to Hale-Bopp
6/166 Kronk Gary W. Cometography, a Catalog of Comets, Volume 3: 1900 - 1932
6/182 Kronk Gary W. - Meyer Maik Cometography, a Catalog of Comets, Volume 5: 1960 - 1982
6/174 Kronk Gary W. Cometography. A Catalog of Comets. Volume 4: 1933-1959.
6/163 Kronk Gary W. Cometography. A Catalogue of Comets. Volume 1: Ancient - 1799
6/164 Kronk Gary W. Cometography. A Catalogue of Comets. Volume 2: 1800 - 1899
6/74 Wilkening Laurel L. (toim.) Comets

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