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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

3A - Havainto-oppaat, tutkimusmenetelmät

327 nimekettä (1-20).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
3A/247 Schaaf Fred 40 Nights to Knowing the Sky, a night-by-night skywatching primer
3A/111 McKready Kelvin A Beginner's Guide to the Stars, 2nd revised edition
3A/149 Schaefer Vincent J. - Day John A. A Field Guide to the Atmosphere
3A/84 Menzel Donald H. A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets
3A/18 Menzel Donald H. A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets
3A/109 Menzel Donald H. A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets
3A/148 Menzel Donald H. - Pasachoff Jay M. A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, 2nd completely revised and enlarged edition
3A/178 Menzel Donald H. - Pasachoff Jay M. A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, 2nd completely revised and enlarged edition
3A/147 Menzel Donald H. - Pasachoff Jay M. A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, 2nd completely revised and enlarged edition
3A/103 Barton Samuel G. & Wm. H. A Guide to the Constellations
3A/187 King E. S. A Manual of Celestial Photography
3A/337 Neely Henry M. A Primer for Star-Gazers
3A/335 Rumistrzewicz Stefan A Visual Astronomer's Photographic Guide to the Deep Sky. A Pocket Field Guide.
3A/246 North Gerald Advanced Amateur Astronomy, Second Edition
3A/230 Rönde Bengt - Stenholm Björn Alla våra stjärnbilder
3A/36 Sidgwick J. B. Amateur Astronomer's Handbook
3A/158 Sidgwick J. B. Amateur Astronomer's Handbook, 3. painos
3A/96 Sidgwick J. B. Amateur Astronomer's Handbook, 4. painos
3A/40 Tamm Nils - Wallenquist Åke Amateurastronomen, handledning, observationskonst
3A/340 Tamm Nils - Wallenquist Åke Amatörastronomen. Handledning i observationskonst.

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