Ursa   Kirjasto   Kirjaluettelo   ~   Etusivu   Haku   Uudet sivut  

28.12.2011 webmaster@ursa.fi

Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

14SA - Lehden Scientific American eripainokset

176 nimekettä (1-20).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
14SA/44 Stong C. L. (toim.) A Cold Camera for Astronomical Photography and Cardboard Segments for big Paraboloids
14SA/51 Stong C. L. (toim.) A new kind of spectrohelioscope for observing Solar Prominences
14SA/18 Wilson O. C. A New Scale of Stellar Distances
14SA/64 Hallam A. Alfred Wegener and the Hypothesis of Continental Drift
14SA/69 Stong C. L. (toim.) An amateur undertakes the ultimate in mechanical precision, a ruling engine
14SA/76 Stong C. L. (toim.) An amateur's version of A. A. Michelson's apparatus for measuring the speed of light
14SA/2 Burbidge Geoffrey - Hoyle Fred Anti-matter
14SA/1 Alfven Hannes Antimatter and Cosmology
14SA/173 Wetherill George W. Apollo Objects
14SA/33 Jastrow Robert Artificial Satellites and the Earth's Atmosphere
14SA/28 Dietz Robert S. Astroblemes
14SA/157 Lynch David K. Atmospheric Halos
14SA/115 Lynch David K. Atmospheric Halos
14SA/107 Disney Michael J. - Veron Philippe BL Lacertae Objects
14SA/137 Disney Michael J. - Veron Philippe BL Lacertae Objects
14SA/103 Dickman Robert L. Bok Globules
14SA/136 Dickman Robert L. Bok Globules
14SA/30 Gardner Martin Can Time go Backward?
14SA/141 Gordon M. A. - Burton W. B. Carbon Monoxide in the Galaxy
14SA/39 Öpik Ernst J. Climate and the Changing Sun

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