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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

11L - Tähtiluettelot

62 nimekettä (1-20).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
11L/618 Lorenzin Tom - Sechler Tim 1000+, The Amateur Astronomer's Field Guide to Deep Sky Observing
11L/267 Wepner Wolfgang 291 Doppelstern-Ephemeriden für die Jahre 1975 - 2000
11L/266 Wepner Wolfgang 291 Doppelstern-Ephemeriden für die Jahre 1975 - 2000
11L/956 Azzaro Diego - Battisti Giancarlo - Del Sole Claudio Atlante Grafico delle Galassie
11L/374 Becvar Antonin Atlas Coeli II, Katalog 1950.0
11L/278 Robertson James Catalog of 3539 Zodiacal Stars for the Equinox 1950.0
11L/684 Ramponi Loris (toim.) Catalogo della mostra Immagini dal Cosmo
11L/974 Zwicky F. - Herzog E. Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies, Volume II, Covering the Palomar Survey fields of the declination zones +18, +24, +30 deg between 6 h 30 min and 18 h 30 min in right ascension
11L/975 Zwicky F. - Herzog E. Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies, Volume III, Covering the Palomar Survey fields of the declination zones +36, +42, +48, +54 deg between 5 h 30 min and 20 h 00 min in right ascension
11L/976 Zwicky F. - Herzog E. Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies, Volume IV, Covering the Palomar Survey fields of the declination zones +60, +66, +72, +78, +84, +90 degrees
11L/977 Zwicky F. - Karpowicz M. - Kowal C. T. Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies, Volume V, Covering the Palomar Survey fields of the declination zones +0, +6, +12, +18 deg between 19 h 30 min and 6 h 00 min in right ascension
11L/978 Zwicky F. - Kowal C. T. Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies, Volume VI, Covering the Palomar Survey fields of the declination zones +24, +30, +36, +42, +48 deg in the southern galactic gap
11L/567 Hügli Ernst - Roth Hans - Städeli Karl (toim.) Der Sternenhimmel, Begleiter zum Jahrbuch, Objekte, Tabellen, Daten
11L/950 Haas Sissy Double stars for small telescopes. More than 2,100 stellar gems for backyard observers
11L/886 Aas Toomas - Kalv Peep Eesti Taevaatlas Kataloog
11L/887 Aas Toomas - Kalv Peep Eesti Taevaatlas Kataloog
11L/930 Wagman Morton Lost Stars, Lost, Missing, and Troublesome Stars from the Catalogues of Johannes Bayer, Nicholas-Louis de Lacaille, John Flamsteed, and Sundry Others
11L/753 Jones Kenneth Glyn Messier's Nebulae & Star Clusters, second edition
11L/378 Jones Kenneth Glyn Messier's Nebulae and Star Clusters
11L/363 Lampkin Richard H. Naked Eye Stars Catalogued by Constellation and in three Groups by Brightness, 2. painos

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