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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

10 - Tähtitieteen ja lähitieteiden historia, tutkijoiden elämäkerrat

260 nimekettä (1-20).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
10/25 Fricke Heinz 150 Jahre Physikalischer Verein Frankfurt am Main
10/230 Brandl Bernhard - Stuik Remko - Katgert-Merkelijn Jeannette (editors) 400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes. A review of History, Science and Technology. A CD-ROM included.
10/37 Carl Zeiss 50 Jahre Zeiss Planetarium
10/188 Moore Patrick 80 Not Out, The Autobiography
10/153 Struik Dirk J. A Concise History of Mathematics
10/68 Herman Jan K. A Hilltop in Foggy Bottom, home of the Old Naval Observatory and the Navy Medical Department
10/154 Neugebauer Otto A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, Part Two, Egypt, Early Greek Astronomy, Astronomy during the Roman Imperial Period and Late Antiquity
10/50 Pannekoek A. A History of Astronomy
10/14 Pannekoek A. A History of Astronomy
10/59 Dreyer J. L. E. A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler
10/8 Dreyer J. L. E. A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler, second edition
10/150 Coolidge Julian Lowell A History of Geometrical Methods
10/91 Shigeru Morikubo (toim.) A History of Japan's Amateur Astronomy (tekstiä vain japaniksi)
10/266 Wickramasinghe Chandra - Wickramasinghe Kamala (editor) A Journey with Fred Hoyle. Second edition.
10/240 Sobel Dava A More Perfect Heaven. How Copernicus Revolutionized the Cosmos.
10/109 Berry Arthur A Short History of Astronomy from Earliest Times through the nineteenth Century
10/29 Berry Arthur A Short History of Astronomy from Earliest Times through the nineteenth Century
10/3 Berry Arthur A Short History of Astronomy from Earliest Times through the nineteenth Century
10/147 Sanford Vera A Short History of Mathematics
10/18 Shapley Harlow - Howard Helen E. A Source Book in Astronomy

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