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28.12.2011 webmaster@ursa.fi

Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

18D - Diasarjat

Merkurius, Venus ja Mars

18 nimekettä (1-18).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
18D/438 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2001 Mars Odyssey
18D/40 Astro Cards Mariner 10 - Flybys of Venus and Mercury
18D/304 Edmund Scientific Company Mariner 9 over Mars
18D/437 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mars Global Surveyor, Surveying the Red Planet
18D/407 Pasachoff Jay M. - Britt Daniel Mars Pathfinder
18D/396 Educational Media Services Mars Pathfinder, Set 180B (some slides require blue-red 3-D glasses, not included)
18D/393 Armagh Planetarium Pathfinder, Revisiting the Red Planet, Stunning images of Mars revealed by the Pathfinder Mission
18D/392 Armagh Planetarium Pathfinder, Revisiting the Red Planet, Stunning images of Mars revealed by the Pathfinder Mission
18D/167 Baader Planetarium KG Pioneer und Mariner: Merkur, Venus und Erde
18D/34 Astro Cards Pioneer Venus 1, PVO-1
18D/93 MMI Corporation Pioneer Venus Probe
18D/95 MMI Corporation Pioneer Venus Update
18D/380 Armagh Planetarium Venus Unveiled, stunning images revealing the true nature of Venus
18D/289 Hildreth Scott - Fraknoi Andrew - Stephens Sally (toim.) Venus Unveiled, the Magellan Images
18D/43 Astro Cards Viking 1 Lander
18D/42 Astro Cards Viking 1 Orbiter
18D/45 Astro Cards Viking 2 Lander
18D/44 Astro Cards Viking 2 Orbiter

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