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28.12.2011 webmaster@ursa.fi

Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

18D - Diasarjat


11 nimekettä (1-11).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
18D/78 MMI Corporation Kaksoistähdet
18D/426 Science & Art Products Magnificent Constellations, A New Photographic Technique Reveals The Bright Star Patterns of the Constellations and the Deep Space Nebulae & Clusters within Them
18D/133 Mitchell Robert C. Pohjoisen taivaan tähdistöjä
18D/362 Norton O. Richard Star Maps, Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere
18D/303 Norton O. Richard Star Maps, Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere
18D/365 Kaler James B. (editor) Stellar Evolution
18D/234 European Southern Observatory Supernova 1987 A in Large Magellanic Cloud
18D/199 Fraknoi Andrew Supernova 1987A
18D/200 Fraknoi Andrew Supernova 1987A
18D/391 Hildreth Scott (editor) The Search for Planets Around Other Stars
18D/402 Pendleton Yvonne J. Windows on Orion: A Multi-Wavelength View of the Stars

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