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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

Asimov Isaac

36 nimekettä (21-36).

Nro Tekijä Nimi Luokka
15F/64 Asimov Isaac Säätiö 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
7/70 Asimov Isaac A Choise of Catastrophes, the Disasters that Threaten our World 7 Linnunrata, tähdet, galaksit, kvasaarit, kosmologia
15F/135 Asimov Isaac Säätiö 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/168 Asimov Isaac Säätiö 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/169 Asimov Isaac Säätiö ja imperiumi 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/170 Asimov Isaac Toinen säätiö 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/195 Asimov Isaac Avaruuden merivirrat 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15C/236 Asimov Isaac The Measure of the Universe, our foremost science writer looks at the world large and small 15C Ufot, metafysiikka, astrologia, fysiikkaan perustumattomat tieteet
15F/605 Asimov Isaac Ex Libris Olavi Tiainen: Säätiö 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
18V/228 Asimov Isaac (toim.) Voyage to the Outer Planets and Beyond, NASA JPL images from Voyager and other space probes, music from 'The Planets' by Gustav Holst 18V Videoelokuvat
15F/215 Asimov Isaac - Greenberg Martin (toim.) Isaac Asimov presents the Great SF Stories, Volume 4 (1942) 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/216 Asimov Isaac - Greenberg Martin (toim.) Isaac Asimov presents the Great SF Stories, Volume 5 (1943) 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/217 Asimov Isaac - Greenberg Martin (toim.) Isaac Asimov presents the Great SF Stories, Volume 6 (1944) 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/218 Asimov Isaac - Greenberg Martin (toim.) Isaac Asimov presents the Great SF Stories, Volume 7 (1945) 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/219 Asimov Isaac - Greenberg Martin (toim.) Isaac Asimov presents the Great SF Stories, Volume 8 (1946) 15F Science fiction, science fantasy
15F/235 Asimov Isaac - Greenberg Martin Harry - Waugh Charles G. (toim.) The Science Fictional Solar System 15F Science fiction, science fantasy

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