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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

7 - Linnunrata, tähdet, galaksit, kvasaarit, kosmologia

263 nimekettä (21-40).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
7/68 Goldberg Leo - Aller Lawrence H. Atoms, Stars and Nebulae
7/242 Baumann Mary K. - Hopkins Will - Soluri Michael - Nolletti Loralee - Villard Ray Avaruus, Kuvia universumin ihmeistä
7/253 May Brian - Moore Patrick - Lintott Chris Bang! Maailmankaikkeuden historia
7/198 Dolgov A. D. - Sazhin M. V. - Zeldovich Ya. B. Basics of Modern Cosmology
7/21 Page Thornton & Lou Williams Beyond the Milky Way. Galaxies, Quasars, and the New Cosmology.
7/86 Batten Alan H. Binary and Multiple Systems of Stars
7/88 Haber Heinz Brüder im All, von der Möglichkeit kosmischen Lebens
7/222 Hellier Coel Cataclysmic Variable Stars: How and Why They Vary
7/188 Rejhert L. A. (toim.) Close binary systems of Am Herculis. Observational data review. (9 venäjänkielistä artikkelia)
7/121 Malin David - Murdin Paul Colours of the Stars
7/125 Malin David - Murdin Paul Colours of the Stars
7/201 Poutanen Juri Compton Scattering of Polarized Light in Active Galactic Nuclei and X-Ray Binaries
7/13 Hodge Paul W. Concepts of the Universe
7/72 Rowan-Robinson Michael Cosmic Landscape, Voyages along the Photon's track
7/251 Kidger Mark Cosmological Enigmas. Pulsars, Quasars & Other Deep-Space Questions
7/5 Bondi H. Cosmology
7/248 McCrea W. H. Cosmology
7/53 Finlay-Freundlich E. Cosmology
7/50 Gingerich Owen Cosmology + 1, readings from Scientific Amarican
7/59 Bondi H. Cosmology, 2. painos

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