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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

6 - Muut planeetat, meteorit, pyrstötähdet, aurinkokunnan pienkappaleet

185 nimekettä (21-40).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
6/135 Thomas Paul J. - Chyba Christopher F. - McKay Christopher P. (editors) Comets and the Origin and Evolution of Life
6/189 Eicher David J. Comets! Visitors from Deep Space
6/90 Kronk Gary W. Comets, a descriptive catalog
6/140 Ash Russell - Grant Ian Comets, Earth's most mysterious visitors from space
6/18 Ash Russel - Grant Ian Comets, Earth's most mysterious visitors from space
6/49 Ash Russel - Grant Ian Comets, Earth's most mysterious visitors from space
6/19 Branley Franklyn M. Comets, Meteoroids, and Asteroids, mavericks of the Solar system
6/86 Brandt John C. (toim.) Comets, readings from Scientific American
6/73 Seargeant David A. Comets, Vagabonds of Space
6/155 Levy David H. David Levy's Guide to Observing and Discovering Comets
6/83 Doebel Günter Dem roten Planeten auf der Spur: Der Mars und das Sonnensystem
6/123 Ley Willy - Braun Wernher von - Bonestell Chesley Die Erforschung des Mars
6/55 Ley Willy - Braun Wernher von - Bonestell Chesley Die Erforschung des Mars
6/17 Wurm K. Die Kometen
6/50 Müller Rolf Die Planeten und ihre Monde
6/171 Whipple Fred L. Earth, Moon, and Planets, third edition
6/150 Strom Robert G. - Sprague Ann L. Exploring Mercury, The Iron Planet, and the Marinwer 10 Pictures on CD-ROM
6/152 Reynolds Mike D. Falling Stars, A Guide to Meteors & Meteorites
6/52 Povenmire Harold R. Fireballs, Meteors and Meteorites
6/30 Moore Patrick Guide to Comets

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