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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

5B - Kuu

119 nimekettä (21-40).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
5B/67 Rükl Antonín - Rackham T. W. Atlas of the Moon
5B/25 Callataÿ Vincent, de Atlas of the Moon, astronomy - astronautics
5B/96 Rükl Antonin - Seronik Gary (editors) Atlas of the Moon, Revised, updated edition
5B/91 Rükl Antonin - Seronik Gary Atlas of the Moon, Revised, updated edition
5B/2 Barabashov N. P. - Mikhailov A. A. - Lipskiy Yu. N. Atlas of the Other Side of the Moon
5B/58 Viscardy Georges Atlas-Guide Photographique de la Lune, ouvrage de reference a haute resolution
5B/36 Arthur D. W. G., et al Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, the System of Lunar Craters - Vol. 2, no 30, Quadrant I
5B/37 Arthur D. W. G., et al Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, the System of Lunar Craters - Vol. 3, no 40, Quadrant II
5B/38 Arthur D. W. G., et al Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, the System of Lunar Craters - Vol. 3, no 50, Quadrant III
5B/39 Arthur D. W. G., et al Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, the System of Lunar Craters - Vol. 5, Part I, no 70, Quadrant IV
5B/84 Lacroux Jean - Legrand Christian Der Kosmos Mondführer, Mondbeobachtung für Einsteiger
5B/53 Meissner Rolf Der Mond
5B/112 Röthlein Brigitte Der Mond. Neues über den Erdtrabanten
5B/87 Lacroux Jean - Legrand Christian Discover the Moon
5B/80 Scheehan William P. - Dobbins Thomas A. Epic Moon, A history of lunar exploration in the age of the telescope
5B/50 Kopal Zdenek Exploration of the Moon by Spacecraft
5B/111 Kopal Zdenek Exploration of the Moon by Spacecraft
5B/47 Cherrington Ernest Exploring the Moon through Binoculars
5B/56 Cherrington Ernest H., Jr. Exploring the Moon through Binoculars and Small Telescopes
5B/18 Fielder Gilbert Geology and Physics of the Moon

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