Ursa   Kirjasto   Kirjaluettelo   ~   Etusivu   Haku   Uudet sivut  

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Ursan kirjaston kirjaluettelo

14SA - Lehden Scientific American eripainokset

176 nimekettä (21-40).

Nro Tekijä Nimi
14SA/43 Gingerich Owen Copernicus and Tycho
14SA/94 Strong Ian B. - Klebesadel Ray W. Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
14SA/135 Dickinson Dale F. Cosmic Masers
14SA/120 Dickinson Dale F. Cosmic Masers
14SA/96 Hartmann William K. Cratering in the Solar System
14SA/145 Hartmann William K. Cratering in the Solar System
14SA/53 Pasachoff Jay M. - Fowler William A. - Gardner Martin - Stong C. L. Deuterium in the Universe; On the Contradictions of Time Travel; A Plotting Device for Predicting the Orbit of an Earth Satellite
14SA/122 Schramm David N. - Clayton Robert N. Did a Supernova Trigger the Formation of the Solar System?
14SA/165 Schramm David N. - Clayton Robert N. Did a Supernova Trigger the Formation of the Solar System?
14SA/63 Schwarz John H. Dual-Resonance Models of Elementary Particles
14SA/31 Greenstein Jesse L. Dying Stars
14SA/70 Press Frank Earthquake Prediction
14SA/29 Dyson Freeman J. Energy in the Universe
14SA/72 Stong C. L. (toim.) Enhanced astronomical photographs
14SA/131 Cerny Joseph - Poskanzer Arthur M. Exotic Light Nuclei
14SA/153 Kohler Ivo Experiments with Goggles
14SA/87 Drake Stillman Galileo and the First Mechanical Computing Device
14SA/132 Chaisson Eric J. Gaseous Nebulas
14SA/124 Chaisson Eric J. Gaseous Nebulas
14SA/169 Stewart Ian Gauss

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