Occultation prediction for Helsinki Kaivopuisto day Time P Star Sp Mag Mag % Elon Sun Moon CA PA VA AA Libration A B y m d h m s No D v r V ill Alt Alt Az o o o o L B m/o m/o 2022 Dec 5 19.02.00,8 D Uranus 5,7 5,7 94+ 152 34 120 46N 28 55 43 +5,5 +0,4 +0,2+2,2 Uranus limb contacts offset by ±4,6 secs, at 19.01.56,2 and 19.02.05,5 Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus 2022 Dec 5 19.57.58,9 R Uranus 5,7 5,7 94+ 153 40 135 -68N 274 296 289 +5,4 +0,3 +1,1+1,2 Uranus limb contacts offset by ±4,8 secs, at 19.57.54,0 and 19.58.03,7 Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus