Occultation prediction for Helsinki Kaivopuisto E. Longitude 24 57 19.7, Latitude 60 9 19.8, Alt. 20m; Telescope dia 25cm; dMag12.0 day Time P Star Sp Mag Mag % Elon Sun Moon CA PA VA AA Libration A B RV Cct durn R.A. (J2000) Dec Mdist SV y m d h m s No D v r V ill Alt Alt Az o o o o L B m/o m/o "/s o sec h m s o m s Mm m/s 22 Oct 12 7 12 3.8 d Uranus 5.7 5.7 94- 151 14 6 294 -48S 116 88 131 +4.6 +0.1 -0.5-2.2 .411 -43.0 3 1 20.5 16 44 45 389.51060.3 Uranus limb contacts offset by ±4.4 secs, at 7 11 59.4 and 7 12 8.3 Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus 22 Oct 12 7 51 33.9 r Uranus 5.7 5.7 94- 151 17 1 302 46S 210 184 225 +4.6 +0.1 +0.0-0.2 .424 -137.1 3 1 20.5 16 44 45 390.11096.7 Uranus limb contacts offset by ±4.3 secs, at 7 51 29.6 and 7 51 38.2 Both contacts are against the bright limb of Uranus