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07.09.2020 21:28
Uploading sketches has been disabled in Deepsky Archive. Please use Taivaanvahti observation archive instead.
16.03.2020 10:49
Deepsky Archive upload is broken with new PHP version. More information about possible fix later.
06.03.2019 10:06
Archive was down for a few days due to migrating to new, safer version of PHP.
Moving system to new server took longer than expected, but system is fully operational again  more...
Welcome to The Deep Sky Archive
Deepsky Archive is by far the largest deep sky sketch database in the world.

The purpose of this site is to allow observers around the world to compare their own observations to observations made with similar equipment or in similar weather conditions.

You can search observations submitted by others using search engine. Use different criterias to make searching easy and sketch plus all the appropriate data will be available in no time.

Please note that as of 2020, it's no longer possible to send your own observations to the database. If you want to send in your observations, please use Taivaanvahti observation database.

Deepsky Archive will continue to exist purely as an observation database to be used for reference when comparing sketches, planning observation sessions etc.

Enjoy the database and have clear skies!

Random Sketch
Object: ngc 1893
Observer: Jere Kahanpää
Telescope: Newton 205/1000
Magnification: 40
Date: 16/17.10.1993 22.40