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Lokakuun tähtiharrastusilta
8.10.2020 @ 18:30 - 21:00

Koronaviruksen vuoksi Jyväskylän Sirius ry:n syksyn 2020 tähtiharrastusillat pidetään netin välityksellä. Lokakuun tähtiharrastusillassa AAVSO:n johtaja Stella Kafka kertoo AAVSO:sta ja sen monipuolisesta toiminnasta. Tule kuulemaan, kuinka muuttuvia tähtiä havainnoimalla tähtitieteen harrastajilla on mahdollisuus saada nimensä tieteellisiin julkaisuihin.
Tilaisuuden alussa katsaus ajankohtaisiin tähtitaivaan tapahtumiin. Siriuksen tähtiharrastusillat ovat kaikille avoimia maksuttomia tilaisuuksia. Stella Kafkan luento alkaa noin klo 19:00 ja on englanninkielinen. Tervetuloa!
Tilaisuuden alussa katsaus ajankohtaisiin tähtitaivaan tapahtumiin. Siriuksen tähtiharrastusillat ovat kaikille avoimia maksuttomia tilaisuuksia. Stella Kafkan luento alkaa noin klo 19:00 ja on englanninkielinen. Tervetuloa!
The AAVSO Program: A Resource for Variable Star Research
The AAVSO Program: A Resource for Variable Star Research
The AAVSO was formed in 1911 as a group of US-based amateur observers obtaining data in support of professional astronomy projects. Now, it has evolved into an International Organization with members and observers from both the professional and non-professional astronomical community, contributing photometry to a public photometric database of about 25,000 variable objects, and using it for research
projects. As such, the AAVSO’s main claim to fame is that it successfully engages backyard Astronomers, educators, students and professional astronomers in astronomical research. I will present the main aspects of the association and how it has
evolved with time to become a premium resource for variable star researchers. I will also discuss the various means that the AAVSO is using to support cutting-edge variable star science, and how it engages its members in projects building a stronger international astronomical community.
The AAVSO was formed in 1911 as a group of US-based amateur observers obtaining data in support of professional astronomy projects. Now, it has evolved into an International Organization with members and observers from both the professional and non-professional astronomical community, contributing photometry to a public photometric database of about 25,000 variable objects, and using it for research
projects. As such, the AAVSO’s main claim to fame is that it successfully engages backyard Astronomers, educators, students and professional astronomers in astronomical research. I will present the main aspects of the association and how it has
evolved with time to become a premium resource for variable star researchers. I will also discuss the various means that the AAVSO is using to support cutting-edge variable star science, and how it engages its members in projects building a stronger international astronomical community.
Dr. Stella Kafka, is the Director of the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers). Before her tenure at the AAVSO, Dr Kafka held positions at CTIO, Spitzer Science center/Caltech, Carnegie Institution of Washington/DTM and AIP Publishing. The AAVSO is an international non-profit organization of variable star observers whose mission is to enable anyone, anywhere, to participate in scientific
discovery through variable star astronomy.
Dr. Stella Kafka, is the Director of the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers). Before her tenure at the AAVSO, Dr Kafka held positions at CTIO, Spitzer Science center/Caltech, Carnegie Institution of Washington/DTM and AIP Publishing. The AAVSO is an international non-profit organization of variable star observers whose mission is to enable anyone, anywhere, to participate in scientific
discovery through variable star astronomy.